june nest
Ein junges Kollektiv, das sich 2024 um die Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch herum gegründet hat und seinen ersten Auftritt auf der Fusion 2024 hatte.
2024, Satyrianas Festival in São Paulo, Brazil - Performance
Vacuum Cleaners and Other Tech-Feminist Utopias
Imagine this: the choice not to carry out and raise a child isn’t a political Molotov cocktail that mobilizes various groups to dictate the bodies and lives of others - but a choice, as unquestionable as the choice to carry out and raise a child.
In this stage production, inspired and adapted from “The Representative” by Yael Inokai and Helen Hester’s Xenofeminist Manifesto, you are invited to radically dream of a future where feminist technology enables safe access to abortion. A choice respected and carried out with dignity.
In this interactive performance, you will dive into the story of a representative for a very special object, who crosses the city on an important mission. Immersing yourself in this utopia invites you to expand your emotional narrative horizons and you are asked the question: “What kind of technology do we need for feminist liberation?”
Fusion 2024 - Workshop
Ein Character Creation-Workshop mit Live Performance-Elementen und Musik. Auf der Suche nach Figuren, deren Geschichten nie Literatur geworden sind, wühlen wir tief in unserer Phantasie und erzählen die ANSISTERS herbei. Unser Plot stellt sie vor eine Wahl und wir performen gemeinsam die Entscheidung, die ihr Leben verändert hätte
— “to tell a story is an act of love.”